
Our Approach

“Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility”
(Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023)
At Kingsway Community Primary School, we take the safeguarding of children very seriously and all staff are aware of their statutory duty to keep children safe. Our school is committed to actively working to safeguard all children. We adhere to all the processes and systems as detailed in our CAT Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for Warwickshire schools which is available via in the policies section on our website. It is the responsibility of all of us to notice things and talk about our concerns.

Kingsway Community Primary School uses MyConcern to record all events that cause staff concern. All staff have access to MyConcern and are trained in school to ensure that the system is used to its maximum effect. Staff record all concerns by using the Reporting a Concern feature. This alerts the lead DSL who, having reviewed the concern, takes appropriate action and then allocates to the relevant DDSL.  

DSLs meet fortnightly and monitor all incidents to identify patterns building a picture over time. These incidents are then alerted to the Front Door to obtain further advice from the relevant professionals. Safeguarding is reported to the EAB on a half  termly basis. 

Please come and see us if you have any concerns that you'd like to share. Further information can be found on the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board website. All staff complete Child Protection Training annually.