

Kingsway Community Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage – Intent, Implementation, and Impact Statement 2022-2023


At Kingsway our mission is to inspire children through a range of first-hand experiences which help developing resilience, creativity, imagination and most importantly a love of learning. Through our provision we provide children with challenge and encourage them to take risks through working independently and with peers. We also consider all the children’s different interests and use this to engage them in a range of learning styles throughout the year.

 We aim to:

 -      Provide a learning environment that helps children achieve their potential and support those who need additional help in order to maximise their chances of achieving the Early Learning Goals

-      Teach a broad and balanced curriculum where the children experience new opportunities and gain life experience.

-      Provide high expectations encouraging them to develop perseverance and self-belief so that they can problem solve and achieve far more than they expected

-      Encourage children to have a growth mindset and relish in the face of challenge.

-      Provide an indoor and outdoor learning environment which encourages children to feel safe and maximise all learning opportunities.

-      Provide children opportunities to develop their sense of wellbeing and ability to regulate their feelings so that they feel confident in our community and are equipped with all the tools they need to transition to Year 1 effectively


 Our curriculum follows the EYFS statutory framework for the foundation stage. This document specifies the requirements for learning and development in the EYFS and provides the prime and specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum. Through our knowledge of each child and formative assessments the EYFS team plan exciting and engaging activities that will move the children’s learning forward. Children have daily Phonics, Maths, and English sessions with cross curricular links in order to combine transferable skills and develop a wide-ranging vocabulary which underpins the children’s learning.


Children in Reception learn by playing and exploring, being active and thinking critically and creatively and this takes place both indoors and in our outdoor area. Our outdoor area is open all year round and in all but the most challenging weather conditions. Children make their own decisions about where they learn best and teachers ensure that there are opportunities for all areas of learning both inside and outside.


At Kingsway, children learn phonics using ‘Read Write Inc’.  Every child has access to a phonics session every day with intervention opportunities for those who find this area of learning more difficult.  The children begin learning all sounds in Reception in preparation for their Phonics screening in Year 1.


All children at Kingsway learn maths from ‘Maths Mastery’ which begins in Reception. The children will begin by understanding how to form and recognise numbers using a range of manipulatives and concepts. Embedding these skills in Reception are vital to ensure effective learning happens further up the school.


Every child in Reception has a topic book which contains the work they complete throughout the week. Alongside this, we complete observations, take photos and videos which are shared with parents using the Tapestry online system. This means that parents can engage with children regularly about their learning and can contribute to the knowledge we have of the child in school.


In Reception, it is key for children to understand that learning can take place anywhere and isn’t refined to a classroom. The children get the chance to go on trips which link to their topics to further enhance their understanding of a topic. For example, for the ‘Long Ago’ topic the children went on a trip to the local museum to learn more about the past and see some real artefacts.


By the time the children leave Reception they are happy, well rounded, and confident learners and are ready to continue their learning journey at Kingsway.

Children’s progress is regularly assessed through formative and summative assessment based on the teacher’s knowledge, their books and items recorded on Tapestry

The Early Years provision features in all areas of the School LIP. This is monitored and evaluated by the Head teacher.